$50.00 USD

Have you wanted to work with an herbalist to learn more about ways to incorporate the gifts of nature to support holistic health?

Book an educational herbal consultation with community herbalist, Kyle Denton.

  • Pit Stop at the Shop and Custom Formula: a 15 minute chat and leave with a custom formula and education, all included.

    For educational purposes only.  Not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent illness.  This is not considered medical advice.  For medical advice please see your licensed health provider.  

    Here at Tippecanoe Herbs, we work with energetic expressions of the body (in terms like "hot," "cold," "damp," "dry," "tension," "relaxation," etc.) and offer an educational approach to support the individual so that they may incorporate their own version of balance and health.  By signing up the client agrees that they are the ones with the power to heal, that they are ready to put an end to the cycle of victimization and villainization of their body, and that they understand what has been written above.