$0.00 USD

As we collectively traverse the sine wave of the sun’s rhythm, let us pause at the valley of the Winter Solstice to examine the condensing of the Earth’s energy.  Through this free course, students will unravel the symbolic meanings and mythic associations of winter solstice herbs, uncovering the archetypes they embody and the ways in which they have been woven into the tapestry of human cultural and spiritual traditions.  In doing so we can reveal how they may applied as medicine to the various forms of one’s experience, and how that has inspired traditional healing practices.  

In this pivotal point of the solar cycle, when the rhythms of the seen world slow, we will relate to the deeper realms of the mystical and sacred lessons of the plant world.  Is it simply the entrainment of tradition the we continue deck the halls with boughs of holly, spice the eggnog, hang mistletoe or bring a fresh cut evergreen tree into our home, or is there a dormant awareness of our connection to the medicine and myth that these plants bring to our lives in this season?  Join herbalist Kyle Denton of Tippecanoe Herbs and Root Radical Herbal Academy as we explore more.

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