
Have you wanted to learn how to make herbal medicine like a professional herbalist?  Here is your opportunity to gather with a group of like-mind people in a small setting for a 2 day Herbal Medicine Making Intensive Workshop.  

What: This is a 2 day herbal medicine making intensive where the students will leave with a medicine chest of preparations as well as the skills to continue to make them over and over.  Students will be provided with all of the supplies, herbs and lessons necessary to make and take: 

  • Infused oils 
  • Homemade vinegars
  • Honey based medicine - electuaries
  • Oxymels 
  • Tinctures - beginner and advanced preparations
  • Tea blending
  • First aid compresses and poultices
  • Herbal clay masks
  • Herbal syrup
  • Salves and balms

Day 1 we will focus on infused oils, vinegar and honey based medicines and begin our tinctures

Day 2 we will blend tea, create an herbal clay mask, learn first aid compresses and create a salve with our infused oil.

We will break for a half hour each day, you’ll bring your own bag lunch.

 When: May 18th and 19th from 10 am - 4 pm

Where: Tippecanoe Herbs Apothecary - our certified kitchen in the back of the shop

Why: Turn your kitchen into you own apothecary.  Refine the ancestral skills of family and community herbalism so that you are prepared to work with what you have on hand and be  creative and confident to prepare medicine for yourself, your family and anyone else who needs your service.

How: Enroll by purchasing this class.  We have a limit of 10 spaces available.  Once they fill up we will close enrollment.